Mommy Makeover Surgery in Delhi NCR | Best Liposuction surgeon Gurgaon

Mommy Makeover Surgery in Delhi NCR India

Are you looking for Mommy Makeover in Gurgaon?

Becoming a Mother is one of the most life changing events in a woman’s life. It is indeed very special and brings a lot of both physical and psychological changes. As the body transforms after pregnancy and breastfeeding, sometimes it might affect self-esteem, as different body parts lose the youthfulness and perkiness.

Mommy Makeover is a multi – pronged approach to restore a woman’s self-confidence and refine her reflection.

Mommy Makeover

What does MOMMY MAKEOVER include?

Mommy Makeover addresses multiple problems at a time

  1. BREASTS: Saggy breasts, Stretched out breasts, Loss of volume, Heavy breasts
    ManagementBreast Implants/Breast Lift/Breast Reduction/Breast Fat grafting
  2. ARMS: Loose hanging Arms, Heavy arms
    Management – Arm lift, Arm Liposuction
  3. FACE: Hollow under eyes, Dark Circles, Skin pigmentation, Dry Skin
    Management– Fresh Face Approach
  4. TUMMY: Loose hanging, C-Section Scar, Stretch Marks
    ManagementTummy tuck, Liposuction
  5. BACK: Flanks fat, bra rolls
  6. BUTTOCKS: Hip-Dips, Deformed Buttocks
    ManagementBrazilian Butt lift
  7. THIGHS: Abnormal fat deposition
What does MOMMY MAKEOVER include?

5 important questions about Mommy Makeover


It is advisable to restrict the number of procedures to 2 or 3 as this ensures patient safety and smooth healing process.

The procedure is done under General Anaesthesia. Also special analgesics are prescribed to alleviate pain after surgery.

Depending on the type of procedures it can extend upto 6 hours.

Results can be immediately appreciated and improvement in seen over weeks as swelling subsides.

Mommy makeover is an extensive surgery and it can take up to two weeks before you resume normal activities.

The results of Mommy Makeover may get reversed and therefore these procedures are generally recommended once you have completed family.


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