
Breast Lift Surgery in Gurgaon


Age, Weight loss, Breastfeeding are some of the factors that affect the firmness of female breasts, making them saggy. This can affect one’s self-esteem and have impact on one’s both professional and personal life.

Breast lift / Mastopexy helps in achieving the youthfulness and perkier shape associated with breasts. Dr. Anmol Chugh ensures that the problem of saggy breast is resolved so that you can regain confidence.

Breast Lift

Latest in Breast Lift: Composite Breast Lift

In women seeking both options of perkier and lifted breast for saggy and loose breast treatment, Composite breast lift remains a good option.

It involves use of Breast implants that are customised according to patient along with breast lift surgery.

Serves dual purpose of full upper pole volume of breast along with projection.

Real Results

36 year old woman treated with Breast Lift, Breast Reduction
36 year old woman treated with Breast Lift, Breast Reduction
Breast Lift ( Auto-augmentation Mastopexy)
37 year old female – Breast Lift ( Auto-augmentation Mastopexy) – 2 months post op


Breast lift is the right procedure for you if you have:

  • Saggy Breasts
  • Flat pendulous breasts
  • Nipple and Areola pointing downwards
  • Stretched skin over breasts
  • Asymmetrical breasts

It involves lifting the breast tissue along with the nipple at a higher level on the chest. There is removal of excess breast tissue, extra skin and if required reduction of size of areola. It is done under general anaesthesia and takes around 2-3 hours. There are three basic techniques to do breast lift depending on the amount of breast sagging.

Peri-areolar lift : is preferred for small size breasts and sagging. The incision is given around areola in the shape of Donuts, therefore it is also known as Donut Lift.

Vertical lift : is preferred for moderate size breasts and sagging. The incision given is in the shape of a lollipop that starts around the areola running down just above the bottom of breast.

Inverted-T lift : is preferred for large size breasts and sagging. The incision given is in the shape of an anchor/inverted that starts around the areola running vertically down to the crease beneath the breast.

It is important to understand that in all techniques there will be a scar, which gets better with time.

After the surgery, a compressive dressing is placed for 24 hours. Next day, a customized compression garment is to be worn which stays for 6 weeks 24*7. In some cases, a drain might be placed which is removed in a day or two.

Swelling and discomfort will be there for initial few days and it subsides gradually.  After a week you can resume desk job.

The return to activities can be at a gradual pace, that is within two or three weeks of surgery.  You can start light exercise after two weeks, but heavy exercise should not be done before 6 weeks.

Stitches used may be dissolvable. Sometimes if stitches are to be removed, it is usually done between 10-14 days after surgery.

Results can be appreciated immediately and improve over weeks as swelling subsides.

Advancements in surgical techniques and anaesthesia have made breast lift a safe procedure. As with any other surgery there are risks of hematoma, infection, asymmetry, scarring, nipple necrosis, decreased nipple sensation.

Breast lift can be combined with breast implants, breast fat transfer or breast reduction. Dr.Chugh uses a special technique of breast lift i.e. Auto augmentation Mastopexy that involves lifting the breast and adding volume through one’s own breast tissue.


    Is breast lift for me?| Mastopexy | Breast implants

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