
PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

PRP OR PLATELET RICH PLASMA is a hair strengthening treatment which uses your own platelets, which are injected in your scalp. It is an effective adjuvant therapy in case of thin hair.

Dr. Chugh by his acclaimed 5S Approach for hair problems have helped many patients suffering from hair loss, thin hair, dull hair and other hair problems.


Latest in PRP: Nanofat plus PRP for hair loss

Nanofat is a highly micronised form of your body fat which is rich in stem cells.

PRP extracted from your own blood also is similar and when combined together nanofat and prp combination have been shown to offer better results than PRP alone in hair loss management.


PRP is composed of Platelet Rich Plasma which has high quantity of growth factors that help in providing strength to hair. It is effective in case of thin hair, premature loss of hair and loss of hair due to aging.

It is an OPD procedure which takes about 30 minutes and there is no downtime.

STEP 1: Collection of blood sample

10-15 ml of blood is taken using very thin and fine injections. The amount of blood taken out is similar to getting blood tests done and therefore just a pinch of needle is felt once.


Collected blood is then processed by putting in centrifuge machine which separates different components of Blood.

PRP is then carefully extracted through the vial.


The extracted PRP is then injected with fine needles into the scalp and region of hair thinning. Pain associated is minimal and vibrator can be used to alleviate pain if any. After the procedure there is no swelling or pain and you can go home or resume work.

Work                     – Can resume desk job. Avoid heavy work on day of PRP

Exercise               – Avoid any kind of exercise after PRP for a day

Hair Bath             – Take hair bath the next day as you normally do preferably with luke warm water.

Sleep                    – Keep two pillows underneath your head for first day

Medications      – Generally no medications are prescribed as it is minimally invasive and pain less procedure

To get good results 4-5 sessions of PRP are needed. These are spaced around 8 weeks apart.

Yes, PRP has been proven beneficial in both male as well female pattern of hair problems.

Yes hair loss requires a multi – pronged approach and Dr. Chugh with his 5S approach will explain in detail during consultation on how to improve on hair problems.


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