How Long Does Double Chin Liposuction Results Last?
Double chin reduction is one of the most popular reasons for people to undergo liposuction surgery. After double chin surgery, it is normal for the patient to worry about how long the results will last for and when they might need to repeat the surgery again.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove localized fat deposits in certain areas of the body. The procedure can be done through several methods, such as tumescent anesthesia, laser liposuction, or traditional liposuction.
In this article, we will list down some important points about how long does double chin liposuction results last?
Different Types of Chin Liposuction and How They Work
Chin liposuction is one of the most frequently requested procedures in plastic surgery. One reason for its popularity is because it does not involve cutting muscles like some other facial lifts which reduces recovery time. There are two types of chin liposuctions which are discussed below:
– Low face procedure: This type focuses on eliminating bulges on and under the chin area by removing fat from this area through an incision underneath the chin
– Upper Chin Liposuction: this procedure is helpful for people who want to slim their neck area and remove excess fat from around the chin, cheeks and upper lip area.
Outcomes and Results of Chin Liposuction
Chin liposuction is a face-lift technique which can be combined with other treatments for a more effective outcome.
The outcomes of chin liposuction are changes in the appearance of the neck, jawline and face. Results vary from person to person and some people might not have any significant changes. Other people may have mild to moderate results that can be seen quickly and persist for many years.
In terms of chin liposuction, you are best off consulting with a doctor about whether or not it is right for you.
What to Expect After Double Chin Liposuction Surgery?
Double Chin Liposuction surgery is the surgical procedure that removes the excess skin, fat, and tissue from the lower part of your neck and face.
The recovery time for a double chin procedure is typically around two weeks. During this time it is recommended to avoid anything that could cause bruising or tension in the neck. This includes anything that may pull on your neck such as
- using a cellphone or
- straining to lift something heavy.
It is also important not to put any pressure on your neck and watch what you eat during this recovery period so healing can occur and get back to your normal routine.
Tips to Recover Quickly from Double Chin Liposuction
Dr. Anmol discusses the recovery process for patients who have undergone double chin liposuction in a way that is easy to understand for patients who are about to undergo the procedure.
1) After surgery, it is important to stay well hydrated and drink lots of fluids throughout the day.
2) Two days after surgery, you should start applying moisturizer twice daily to help minimize redness and discomfort on your skin.
3) It takes 21 days for fat cells to shrink back into their pre-surgery size and volume so you want to make sure that you are staying healthy by eating well-balanced meals with enough protein, fresh fruit and vegetables, exercise, sleep, and water intake.