  • जांघ की चर्बी हटाना – लिपोसक्शन (सर्जिकल) और गैर-सर्जिकल उपचार के विकल्प

    जांघ की चर्बी हटाना – लिपोसक्शन (सर्जिकल) और गैर-सर्जिकल उपचार के विकल्प

    अवलोकन बहुत सारे लोग भारत में सर्वश्रेष्ठ जांघ  की चर्बी  वाले लिपोसक्शन सर्जन की तलाश कर रहे हैं। प्रक्रिया भारत में बहुत लोकप्रिय नहीं है, लेकिन यह लोकप्रियता में बढ़ रही है।   जांघ की चर्बी क्या है?   अधिकांश लोगों की गतिहीन जीवन शैली के कारण जांघ की चर्बी एक बहुत ही आम समस्या […]

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  • Plastic Surgery Procedures you should consider after Weight Loss Surgery

    Top 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures you should consider after Weight Loss Surgery

    It is important to note that recovering from weight loss surgery takes time. The body needs time to heal and adjust, and the same can be said for your skin. The process of recovery will take at least six weeks (and sometimes longer), but the end result is worth it. You will be able to […]

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  • Breast Reduction Surgery: Booster dose of self-confidence – Case Study

    Breast Reduction Surgery: Booster dose of self-confidence – Case Study

    What is breast reduction Surgery?   A breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty) is a procedure that decreases the size of your breasts. Some people with very large breasts experience pain in their back, neck or shoulders and other physical symptoms that affect their quality of life. It also impacts their self-esteem and sense of well-being as […]

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  • 06

    जानिए कॉस्मेटिक और प्लास्टिक सर्जरी में क्या फर्क या अंतर होता है ?

    प्लास्टिक सर्जरी करवाने का चलन सिर्फ एक्ट्रेस या मॉर्डल्स में ही नहीं बल्कि आम लड़कियों में भी काफी देखने को मिलता है। सर्जरी दो तरह की होती है प्लास्टिक व कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी। लेकिन लड़कियां इन दोनों को एक ही समझ लेती हैं। चलिए आपको बताते हैं कि दोनों में क्या फर्क है और सर्जरी किस […]

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  • Thigh Fat Removal

    Thigh Fat Removal – Liposuction (Surgical) and Non- Surgical Treatment Option

    Overview A lot of people are searching for the best thigh fat liposuction surgeon in India. The procedure is not very popular in India, but it is increasing in popularity. What is Thigh Fat? Thigh fat is a very common problem because of the sedentary lifestyle that most people have. Many people have problems with […]

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  • Why is liposuction the most common procedure in India

    Why is liposuction the most common procedure in India : Survey and Analysis.

    Liposuction is now the common aesthetic procedure performed by Indian plastic surgeons. As per the survey and statistics report in India, the total number of 79,248 liposuction surgery performed is near about 20.1%. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic surfacing in 2020, it looks like many procedure like breast augmentation or breast implant, rhinoplasty surgery may […]

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  • Will I have scars after Liposuction Treatment

    Will I have scars after Liposuction Treatment?

    One of the major worries after every surgery is the scar after that surgery. Liposuction remains one of the most popular treatment in India for getting rid of stubborn fat. There is always a concern about liposuction treatment that whether it will leave a scar! To understand the process of scar, let’s answer some basic […]

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  • Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery in India

    Complete Guide to Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery in India

    Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Beauty has often been associated with description of beautiful eyes. Every literature, movies and songs have always been alluded by beautiful eyes. But with age, face shows the first sign and the saggy skin around the eyes or eyebags are usually first noticed. It is most commonly […]

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  • 5 things you Need to Know About Breast Implants and Pregnancy

    5 things you Need to Know About Breast Implants and Pregnancy

    1. Is it better to get breast implants after pregnancy? Getting Breast implants is a personal decision. Technically speaking it doesn’t affect your breast in a bad way even after you get pregnant. Breast implants don’t burst or leak even if the breast size increases during pregnancy under hormonal changes. Also breast implants don’t make […]

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  • 5-questions-to-ask-before-breast-augmentation-surgery

    Top 5 Questions to ask before Breast Augmentation Surgery

    Breast enlargement or breast augmentation surgery is one of the most searched topics on google. Women often get confused when trying to find right answers. Let’s address top 5 questions that women have before undergoing the procedure. Dr. Anmol Chugh, renowned Plastic Surgeon in Delhi and Gurugram, with proven successful track record in breast augmentation […]

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