Fat Grafting or Fat transfer : Is it for me?
All of us at some points of time have wondered that why can’t my extra fat be put somewhere else. Maybe to face, buttock or breast. But does it happen in real life? The answer is yes!
Fat transfer or fat grafting is the procedure to transfer the fat from one part of the body to another. Let’s discuss three pertinent points related to fat grafting.
What is fat grafting or fat transfer?
Fat transfer is a procedure in which we take out your fat in the areas that you want to get removal done especially in the tummy area the love handles the thighs and then we can use this fat to enhance features of your breast buttock or face. The fat is taken from your own body, the procedure results are permanent and also it is safe.
Who is a good candidate for fat grafting?
- Any lady who is thinking about breast or buttock augmentation but don’t want implants
- Anyone who wants to get rid of the fat from the unwanted areas and want to transplant into another region to give it a fuller look
- Scars
- Dark circles
- Deformity mainly in the face like hemifacial atrophy in which one side of the face is not developed
- Trauma if it has left any gap in the tissue or you want to give that tissue fullness
How is fat grafting done?
Fat grafting or fat transfer can be done in local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Usually in the cases of scars, dark circles or when there is requirement of the fat to be taken out and put into an area is minimal, we can do it under local anesthesia in cases like buttock augmentation or breast augmentation it is recommended that it is done in general anesthesia as it is safer.
Process starts with first using the liposuction technique to take out the fat from your tummy from thighs or other regions where you want to get it out and then this fat is processed and purified so that it can put back into the area which has to be enhanced.
Recovery after fat grafting procedure
If it is done in local anesthesia you can go home after an hour or two of the procedure and you will be called after one week to assess but if it has been done in general anesthesia as a daycare Procedure then you might go home the same evening of the surgery or the next day.
Important thing to remember is that when the fat transfer is done to face, breast or buttock you have to take care of the fact that you don’t have to put any pressure like in the case of buttocks a special garment is given so this there is special BBL pillow in which it has to be taken care that the pressure is on the thighs not on the hips so that fat doesn’t get dissolved.
It is important that during the recovery and before the surgery also that you quit smoking as it has been seen that smoking causes loss of fat transfer.
You can resume work the very next day but there might be some stiffness in which fat transfer has been done but you’ll be completely fine in another three to four days.
You can resume exercise after three to four weeks.
Dr. Anmol Chugh is an international expert on Nanofat and other procedures of fat grafting. He is regularly invited at various international and national conferences to share his thoughts in the field of fat grafting. To know more about fat grafting to face, breast or buttock, you can call or whatsapp at +91-9588754188.