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    How YOGA Can Help You Recover Faster After Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery?

    The Mind-Body Connection: How YOGA Enhances Surgical Recovery   After plastic or cosmetic surgery, yoga—a whole practice combining physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation—can greatly help in recuperation. Yoga helps general well-being by encouraging a strong mind-body connection; this is absolutely essential for healing. All of which are vital for a quick and seamless recovery, […]

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  • Why do patients choose revision rhinoplasty?

    Why do patients choose revision rhinoplasty?

    One of the key reasons why some individuals may be unsatisfied with the results of their initial rhinoplasty is because of factors that are related to both the appearance and the functionality of their nose. Fortunately, these concerns can be resolved through the procedure of revision rhinoplasty. “Plastic surgeons have a significant challenge when confronted […]

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