Male Love Handles Liposuction : The Things You Need to Know

Male Love Handles Liposuction : The Things You Need to Know

What is Male Love Handles Liposuction?

Male love handles are the fat deposits that accumulate in the lower abdominal area and hips area. It is an unsightly protrusion of fat over the beltline. Liposuction is a surgical procedure where excess fatty tissue is removed and then it’s released under pressure, which causes it to shrink in size. Male love handles liposuction, also known as abdominoplasty, has been a surgery that has been on rise due to obesity and other factors.

The operation involves making an incision around where we want our love handles reduced and then sucking out all that excess fat with a tube inserted through this incision. Then once all this excess fat has been removed from your body, you will have no more love handles!

Fat accumulation causes in men

Various factors lead to fat accumulation in the body, especially in males.

One of the causes is a sedentary lifestyle and consuming more food than the energy burnt.

another Caused by

  • Aging,
  • Hormones,
  • Lack of physical activity,
  • A diet high in fat and sugar,
  • Sleep deprivation or and
  • Other factors that slow down metabolism

About the Love Handles Liposuction Procedure

The Procedure Love Handle Liposuction is a procedure which is used to get rid of the fat from the waist, hips and thighs. This procedure can be performed on a person who is overweight, or has an excess amount of fat in these areas. The Procedure Love Handle Liposuction will also reduce cellulite, as well as stretch marks that have appeared on the skin.

The Procedure Love Handle Liposuction is a relatively new procedure that has become very popular in recent years. For those who have tried everything else and still cannot achieve the body they want, this may be your best option.

Many people are reluctant to undergo this procedure because it is invasive and traditionally requires general anaesthesia. But with advancements in medical technology there are now two new options for performing this surgery. The first option is called ‘mini lipo’ and it only involves a small incision with no general anaesthesia required, while the second option called ‘lipo’ uses general anaesthesia but only involves one incision.

This procedure is for people who are looking for a rounder and more lifted shape. The reason why this procedure is so popular because it does not require downtime.

Love Handle Liposuction Recovery?

Many people are not aware of the recovery time it takes to heal from love handle liposuction. While some patients experience soreness for only a few weeks, others report that the swelling and pain can last for months. The length of downtime depends on how invasive the procedure is and how much fat was removed.

Love Handle Liposuction Recovery Meet:

– Ensure that you are eating healthy. The best way to heal is by eating healthy, good protein and vegetables.

– Drink a lot of water, and make sure you stay hydrated all day long.

– Avoid drinking any alcohol or consuming any caffeine products until your bruising goes away.

– Don’t put on anything restrictive to the area as this could cause blood clots or discomfort while healing.

How much Does Male Liposuction Cost?

Male liposuction can cost anywhere from Rs.60,000 to Rs.90000 with surgeons charging more for more complex procedures.

There are many factors that explain the cost of liposuction. These factors include;

  • experience and reputation of the surgeon,
  • hospital rates,
  • location of procedure and type of procedure.
  • A qualified surgeon should be able to provide you with an estimate of how much liposuction will cost for your procedure during a consultation.

Qualities such as experience, reputation and location will determine how much a male liposuction procedure costs.