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    Liposuction vs. Other Fat Removal Techniques: Which Is Best?

    In today’s world, where fitness and appearance play significant roles in personal and professional lives, achieving the desired body shape is a common goal. Fat removal techniques have become increasingly popular as people strive to eliminate stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Among these techniques, liposuction remains a gold standard, but other […]

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  • What Post-Pregnancy Moms Should Know About Diastasis Recti

    What Post-Pregnancy Moms Should Know About Diastasis Recti?

    Diastasis recti is a separation of the two large parallel bands of muscles that make up the abdominal wall. It can occur during pregnancy, in which case it is known as a postpartum diastasis recti or an abdominal separation.   This can happen when the growing uterus and baby put strain on the abdominal muscles, […]

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  • Can liposuction cause death?

    Can liposuction cause death?

    Liposuction has been in news quite some time because of not so good reasons. Can liposuction lead to death remains a question in mind of patients before undergoing an elective cosmetic surgery foe body contouring. Liposuction can be done in different areas. 1. Liposuction for Belly fat 2. Liposuction for Double Chin 3. Liposuction for […]

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  • saddlebags deformity liposuction treatment

    What is the best treatment to get rid of Saddlebags deformity?

    Saddlebags deformity is the accumulation of fat within the areas on outer thighs, which creates a bulge. It is also called ‘cellulite’ in medical terms. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and can’t keep up with the fluid or fat being deposited in these areas. The shape and size of these bags varies […]

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  • Traditional Upper Arm Liposuction vs. Celebrity Arms Liposuction

    Traditional Upper Arm Liposuction vs. Celebrity Arms Liposuction

    The celebrity arms are the most discussed topic on social media. The same way, there have been many discussions about the traditional vs. celebrity liposuction. Celebrity arm liposuction is a procedure that reshapes the shape of a celebrity’s arms. This is done by making small slits in the skin and sucking out fat from underneath […]

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  • What Type of Diet you should Follow before and after LIPOSUCTION Surgery

    What Type of Diet you should Follow before and after LIPOSUCTION Surgery?

    LIPOSUCTION surgery has become a very common procedure in plastic surgery after the success of being able to reduce the amount of fat that needed to be removed using liposuction. There are two major considerations when a person chooses to undergo the procedure. The first is whether the patient desires minimal scarring, and the second […]

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