
What is Grade-3 Gynecomastia and How Does it Affect Men?

We did not explore treatment options here, but rather provided some examples of what Grade-3 Gynecomastia is and how to identify its causes and symptoms.

What is Grade-3 Gynecomastia?


Grade-3 gynecomastia is a more severe form of gynecomastia in which men have increased breast tissue.

Gynecomastia is graded from mild to severe, with Grade 3 being the most severe. It usually manifests as significant breast development that resembles female breasts.

Here’s how Grade-3 gynecomastia may affect men:

1. Physical Appearance: Men with Grade-3 gynecomastia have prominent breast growth that is noticeable even when they are clothed. Breasts may sag, have extra fatty tissue, and prominent nipples and areolas.

Here in this patient image before and after Gynecomastia surgery

gynecomastia grade 3 patient

2. Psychological and Emotional Impact: Grade 3 gynecomastia can have a significant psychological impact. Because of their altered look, affected persons may experience humiliation, shame, and low self-esteem, which can contribute to social anxiety and low self-confidence.

3. Discomfort and Pain: Physical discomfort might result from enlarged breast tissue. Men with Grade-3 gynecomastia may suffer breast tenderness, soreness, or discomfort, especially when exercising or wearing tight-fitting clothing.

4. Limitations in Clothing Choices: Individuals suffering from severe gynecomastia may have difficulty finding clothes that fits properly and covers their swollen breasts. They may need to wear loose or large clothing to conceal their ailment.

5. Impact on Daily Life: Grade-3 Gynecomastia can have a significant impact on many aspects of daily life. Men may avoid activities that require them to remove their shirts in public, such as swimming, going to the beach, or participating in sports. Intimacy and relationships may suffer as a result of their insecurity over their appearance.

6. Seeking Medical Attention: Male with grade 3 gynecomastia frequently seek medical examination and treatment alternatives. To reduce breast size and enhance chest contour, surgical treatments such as mastectomy (removal of breast tissue) or liposuction may be used.

Gynecomastia can be caused by several causes, including hormonal imbalances, pharmacological side effects, obesity, and certain medical disorders. As a result, diagnosing the cause and best treatment strategy for Grade-3 gynecomastia necessitates a thorough examination by an experienced Board-Certified cosmetic surgeon.

What are the Causes of Grade-3 Gynecomastia?

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes play an important part in the development of gynecomastia. Breast tissue growth in men can be caused by an imbalance in oestrogen (female hormone) and testosterone (male hormone) levels. Common hormonal imbalances include such as Puberty, Aging, Medications and Medical Condition

Obesity: Because fat cells can convert testosterone into estrogen, excess body fat can contribute to increased estrogen production.

Genetics: Some people may be genetically predisposed to gynecomastia. If it runs in the family, the danger is increased.

Symptoms of Grade-3 Gynecomastia:


  • Pronounced Breast Enlargement
  • Sagging or Ptosis
  • Prominent Nipples and Areolas
  • Firm or Rubbery Texture
  • Breast Pain or Tenderness
  • Psychological and Emotional Distress


So, before going for any surgical treatment, always consider all your options. Such as treatment facility, city location, surgeon experience, treatment cost, recovery rate, and post-care surgery facilities you are looking for.

If you have any doubts about symptoms, causes, or treatment, please call us at +91-9818906707.