Case Studies – Facial plastic surgery – Before and After
Chief Complaint
The patient is a bright young female who presented in her mid-20’s. Her main desire was to reduce the lower lip swelling which was present since birth. There was no difficulty in mouth opening.
The patient had a lower lip swelling which was 4×3 cm and involving the outer and inner side of lip and was bluish in color. MRI confirmed the diagnosis of lower lip venous malformation extending till lip muscle. Intermittent bouts of bleeding was also noticed by patients that stopped on adequate pressure.
Under local anesthesia with nerve block, in a certified outpatient surgical center, the patient had injection sclerotherapy. The complete resolution was seen after 3 sessions of sclerotherapy. Each time. the procedure began by applying adequate pressure on both sides of swelling by assistant. This ensured that sclerosant agent did not disperse in surrounding tissue. Multiple small amount of sclerosant was given through fine needle after aspiration. This step ensured delivery of right amount of sclerosant in venous malformation only.
After the procedure adequate bandaging was done to ensure pressure on lip. These steps were taken to ensure that there is no lip necrosis that is damage to normal tissue. After 3 sessions swelling resolved completely with alignment and normal structure of lip maintained. Patient was very satisfied with the outcome. The patient is shown 6 months after surgery.

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