
Exercising After Abdominal Liposuction: What You Should Know?

After undergoing abdomen liposuction in Gurgaon, it’s important to follow Dr Anmol Chugh, Board certified plastic surgeon post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth and safe recovery.

Dr Chugh Says good exercising after abdomen liposuction should be approached gradually and with caution.

Here’s what you can generally expect after successful abdominal liposuction at our plastic and cosmetic surgery centre in Gurgaon :

Immediate Post-Operative Period:

After discharging from the hospital and in the next few days after liposuction, your focus should be on rest and recovery. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding post-operative care, including wearing compression garments, taking prescribed medications, and avoiding any kind of strenuous activities like heavy exercise, heavy household work etc.

In Initial Weeks:

Dr. Chugh says light walking is usually done soon after surgery to prevent blood clots and increase or maintain good blood circulation. However, you should avoid any strenuous exercise, including heavy lifting, for the first few weeks.

Also, I recommend that you refrain from vigorous activities that engage the abdominal muscles during the initial recovery period.

2-4 Weeks Post-lipo Surgery:

After 2 to 4 weeks, I generally advise you to engage in light exercises. This could include gentle walking, stationary cycling, or low-impact activities.

However, avoid any exercise that puts excessive strain on the abdominal area. This may include activities like crunches, sit-ups, or heavy lifting.

4-6 Weeks Post-Surgery:

At this point, after 4 to 6 weeks after abdominal liposuction, you may gradually start with more moderate exercises. Consult with us at our centre, Imperio Clinics, or CK Birla Hospital, Gurgaon, before resuming any abdominal exercises or activities that engage the core. Contact us at +91-9818906707 or Visit Imperio Clinics Premium Aesthetic

Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. If you experience pain or discomfort, scale back your activities.


Beyond 6 Weeks:

After the six weeks of surgery, Dr Chugh may advise to resume more strenuous exercises and activities. However, it’s crucial to introduce these gradually and pay attention to your body’s response.


4 types of exercise you can do after surgery and maintain good results

  1. Stretching
  2. Intense Cardio workout
  3. Yoga
  4. Normal Walking

But high-impact activities or workouts at home that put excessive pressure on the abdominal muscles should be introduced gradually and cautiously.

Long-Term Considerations:

It’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, to achieve optimal results and prevent the accumulation of new fat deposits.

Stay in communication with us throughout the recovery process and follow their guidance regarding exercise and physical activity.


Before and After photos – Liposuction & Tummy Tuck treatment

Tummy Tuck surgery for Indian

42 year old woman treated with Tummy Tuck
42 year old woman treated with Tummy Tuck


Bulk Reduction Liposuction
Bulk Reduction Liposuction
High definition 360 Liposuction with thigh liposuction
High definition 360 Liposuction with thigh liposuction

Final Conclusion :

Always consult with Dr Chugh before starting any exercise regimen post-liposuction, as individual recovery timelines may vary. He will provide personalized advice based on your specific case and the extent of the liposuction procedure.