  • The Incredible Impact of 360-Degree Liposuction

    The Incredible Impact of 360-Degree Liposuction

    What is 360-degree liposuction? 360 Liposuction, also known as 360-degree liposuction or 360 Liposculpture, is a type of liposuction that allows us to remove fat from back and tummy to give a natural and aesthetic look. This procedure is often performed to enhance the appearance of the abdomen, flanks, love handles and back, giving the […]

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  • Liposuction Wars

    Liposuction Wars: How Microaire Liposuction procedure is more advanced than Traditional Procedure?

    What is Microaire? Why Microaire is better than the traditional liposuction? What is the cost of a power assisted liposuction surgery? What is Microaire? Traditional liposuction involves the use of cannula this cannula that has holes in the end and these holes help in sucking out the fat. But these are vigorous movements that can […]

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