What are the Types and Cost of Breast implants in India?
Saline breast implants
Saline breast implants have their shape due to the saline which is basically sterile water with salt content. They are of uniform shape and consistency, primarily indicated for females above 18 years. An advantage of this implant is that even after leakage or rupture saline is naturally absorbed by body.
Silicone breast implants
Silicone breast implants have their shape like natural breast attributed to silicone gel. They are the most common implants being used worldwide and come in different volumes. Silicone implants require regular monitoring by plastic surgeons to assess their present status. If the implant ruptures, silicone gel might leak into breast pocket and surgery is to be done to take it out. They are primarily indicated for female 22 years and above.
Gummy bear breast implants
They derive their name from gummy bear which are wide at bottom and tapered at the top. They are thicker in consistency than traditional silicone implants and therefore even when the implant ruptures shape is maintained. Two main disadvantages of gummy bear implants are longer incision required to place it in breast pocket and redo surgery if the implant rotates inside pocket.
Round breast implants
Round breast implants have uniform shape all around. They are usually recommended to give breast more full appearance along with projection. Also the tendency to rotate inside breast pocket is less.
Textured breast implants
Textured breast implants have been used extensively in the past because of their ability to restrict implant mobility as they develop scar tissue to stick to the implant. But due to rising concern of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) which have mostly been associated with textured breast implants, there use is discouraged globally.
Smooth breast implants
Smooth breast implants are the softest in consistency. Their movement with breast gives it a natural look. Also due to concerns of ALCL with textured breast implants, smooth breast implants are a preferred choice.
Breast implants Cost in Gurgaon India
Depending on the type of implants and manufacturer cost of breast implant varies from Rs. 40,000-60,000. The total cost of surgery depends on doctor’s skills, clinic location, type of implant, plane of implant. Usually cost of breast augmentation with implants can range from 1 lakh rupees to 2 lakh rupees. Also, if breast fat grafting is added to refine the cleavage or upper pole of breast, extra charges are added.
Breast augmentation either through implants or fat grafting or combination is a specialized procedure which is customized according to the patient needs.
Dr. Anmol Chugh is leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon based in Delhi-NCR with an extensive experience of breast implants and other breast procedures. He is fellow of Melbourne Institute of Plastic Surgery, Australia which does more than 50,000 breast augmentation surgeries per year.