  • 10 Things you must know about Breast Reduction

    10 Things you must know about Breast Reduction

    Breast reduction does not have any specific age. It mainly depends on the symptoms that the patient might be facing like neck pain, back pain or under confidence due to large breasts.

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  • Cosmetic Surgery

    5 Questions to ask in your Online Cosmetic Surgery consultation

    The beginning of Covid Pandemic has changed the way we communicate. From Zoom calls, Cisco meetings, Google handouts, Skype, Facetime or Whatsapp all the mediums are being utilized to effectively exchange ideas, communicate and also for tele consultation. To minimize the risk of Corona transmission, Government of India also allowed an online consultation. Although it […]

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    SMILE like you mean it!! – What is a Duchenne marker?

    Duchenne Marker:- Human smile is the most powerful thing as it can elevate the mood of people around you. A genuine smile is one of the most influential human expressions. But is there a way that you can differentiate a fake smile from a genuine smile. Research has shown that there is a Duchenne Marker […]

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  • Liposuction

    5 Biggest Misconceptions about Liposuction

    Liposuction is one the most sought after procedure worldwide but there are many misconceptions about liposuction. The popularity of Liposuction is can be both due to increase awareness about body contouring and also patient’s high expectations. In a world full of advertisements and marketing it is important it is good to clear some common misconceptions […]

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  • Skin Care

    REVELATION: 5 biggest Skin Care questions answered

    Beauty is skin deep. Inner beauty should be reflected on your face for a comprehensive beauty outlook. In this post I will try and answer 5 most common and most important questions about Skin Care. 1. What is the right way to select a skin care product? Skin care requires a graded approach. Initially start […]

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  • Hair Transplant

    5 S approach to stop Hair Loss

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    5 signs that you are a good candidate for Liposuction Surgery in India

    Liposuction is one of the most common procedure done globally. It involves removal of fat through small incisions and with use of fine instruments called cannula. Sometimes it can be genetic, after pregnancy exercise and diet are not having any effect on those piles of fat and it is affecting self – confidence. Getting rid […]

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  • Breast Augmentation

    Why breast augmentation is safer and better than ever?

    Better Breast implants The implants that we use today are 7th and 8th generation with silicone based implants being in the forefront. All the recently there have been reports of ALCL which is Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. It has been associated with Textured breast implant and not with Smooth implants […]

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  • Cosmetic Surgery

    Do I need cosmetic surgery?

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