  • Dimple Creation For The Cute Face

    Dimple Creation For The Cute Face

    Dimples are the most sought after facial features. The face with dimples has a long lasting effect on opposite sex. The charm of dimples can be gauged by the popularity of celebrities with dimples amongst masses. While some people are born with it, a half an hour procedure can help you achieve that cute dimples. […]

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    The Rising Number Worldwide numbers of coronavirus are staggering. As of 8th August, 2020, the total number of cases have surpassed 19 million and India with 2 million people infected, the numbers are rising day by day. Covid- 19 patients has come up with various symptoms but the recent trend of increase in hair loss […]

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  • How to Remove Dark Circles

    How to Remove Dark Circles?

    Dark circles are mere patches formed under the eyelids, primarily due to intense fatigue. Such patches are much seen in men and women. Dark circles can make one appear elder than his or her actual age. The treatment is difficult in such cases as Remove Dark Circles is hard to get escape from. Such spots […]

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  • Types of Cosmetic Plastic Surgeries

    Types of Cosmetic Plastic Surgeries

    The decade has undoubtedly been a decade of rising appearance concerns. An hourglass figure, shimmering cat eyes, perfect nose, and dense shining hair are some of the biggest flexes one could have in 2020. With appearance being the utmost concern, cosmetic plastic surgeries are the best beauty enhancement resort one could think of to get […]

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  • Plastic Surgery During Covid TimesThe rising trend

    Plastic Surgery During Covid Times:The rising trend

    The ‘New Normal’ Coronavirus or Covid 19 has changed the way we work and live. The global pandemic has made socializing impossible as social distancing and masks are the new norm. Most of the people who can work from home are on the Zoom meetings/webinars or video chats. As people adapt to the ‘New Normal’, […]

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  • Hair loss in Women Causes & Treatment

    Hair loss in Women: Causes & Treatment

    Many women suffer with hair loss , thinning of hair or bald patches. They keep it well hidden by concealing with different hairstyles or using extensions. It can affect both younger women and older women alike. The earlier it is detected and treated, the better the results. The key to treating a hair loss problem is identifying […]

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  • 10 Things you must know about Breast Reduction

    10 Things you must know about Breast Reduction

    Breast reduction does not have any specific age. It mainly depends on the symptoms that the patient might be facing like neck pain, back pain or under confidence due to large breasts.

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  • Cosmetic Surgery

    5 Questions to ask in your Online Cosmetic Surgery consultation

    The beginning of Covid Pandemic has changed the way we communicate. From Zoom calls, Cisco meetings, Google handouts, Skype, Facetime or Whatsapp all the mediums are being utilized to effectively exchange ideas, communicate and also for tele consultation. To minimize the risk of Corona transmission, Government of India also allowed an online consultation. Although it […]

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    SMILE like you mean it!! – What is a Duchenne marker?

    Duchenne Marker:- Human smile is the most powerful thing as it can elevate the mood of people around you. A genuine smile is one of the most influential human expressions. But is there a way that you can differentiate a fake smile from a genuine smile. Research has shown that there is a Duchenne Marker […]

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  • Liposuction

    5 Biggest Misconceptions about Liposuction

    Liposuction is one the most sought after procedure worldwide but there are many misconceptions about liposuction. The popularity of Liposuction is can be both due to increase awareness about body contouring and also patient’s high expectations. In a world full of advertisements and marketing it is important it is good to clear some common misconceptions […]

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